Starware is an action-adventure, role-playing game inspired by classic shooting, fighting, and racing games.
Your story starts with you enlisting in StarCorp, an interplanetary corporate startup racing to build hyperdrive technology using Starware and make interstellar travel possible. With limited employment options and a family to help back home, you eagerly embrace the mission of StarCorp as your own despite all the negative rumors surrounding the company.
Throughout your enlistment, you’re sent on missions to help quell rebellions, stop corporate raiders (while you raid competitors), and collect resources to build a hyperspace loop to take us to another solar system. But something is not quite right with who you’re working for and as the missions get more brazen and more questionable you start looking for ways to make good out of a bad situation.
Your goal is to rise through the ranks, complete missions with valor, and use the equity you earn to collect Starware for your battle suit, space apartment, and launch an interstellar startup making Starware accessible to all.